ICT The Upgrading System With No Limit

ICT, Information and Communication Technology, is the infrastracture and components that enable modern computing.

The term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components, applications and systems that combined allowing people and organizations to interact in the Digital World, Online Platforms and other Social Media by using Internet

ICT, sometimes used synonymously with IT (Information Technology); however, it is genrally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and Digital Technologies than IT.

ICT commonly means more than its list of components, though it is also encompasses the application of all those various components.

To "Access Information" is the main education of ICT. To have Communication is the is the most common used in schools beyond providing a tool for providing the development of basic computer literacy skills. 

Progamming Language and Animations is one of the Lesson/Topic to discuss in ICT so you need skills, communication and access with the internet to adapt to this lesson.

Programming Language  is compose of HTML5, CSS, JAVASCRIPT ,JAVA etc. To be a programmer you  are capable of Data Structure and Algorithms, Source Control, Networking Basics, Scripting Languages.
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