Advocacy of ICT Strand

Information & Communication Technologies

Helps you to improve your life

  • When you finish this, It will give you a better life.
  • After finish this, you and your family have an better life.
  • You can help your siblings to end up studying.

Your career path in this strand
Best idea to give you for your future

Information and communications technology (ICT) offer us the possibility  to acquire information and to connect with other people at a speed and across distances unprecendented in history.

Helps you to grow up your mindset

ICT can enable disadvantaged individuals and communities to participate in the national and global policy decisions that can change lives and empower them to take actions that can financially , socially and politically benefit them.

ICT Resources,Events and capability building
WLP has developed innovative trainer's manual for use in ICT training workshops, WLP and our partners conduct ICT capability building trainings for women and youth across the Global South.

WLP recognizes this opportunity, and uses ICT as a tool for social change and women's empowerment.Our programs and publications increase women's ICT skills and confidence so that they can organize,mobilize and advocate for issues that matter to them.


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